Crazy Sexy Marvelous
Ladies and gentlemen... Doctor Death!
He is First from 'Three Great Doctors' (secund is dr Violent, third is dr Gore ). People call him the earthly incarnation of death, some don't believe in his exist and think it's just urban legend, but for sure he lives and he is the most powerful person in whole uniwerse (in my story 'Mafia solider'). If some characters could be called gods, because of their power, dr Death is thousands times more powerful than they are. He can kill or revive whoever and whatever he want and he's perfectly insane. Normal conversation is impossible with him. Probably is way to communicate with him by drawing circles, but no one really knows. But the fact is that he likes a lot drawing circles. He also likes: sweet drinks, electro, techno and dance music, bulbs, his skeleton dog and spending time in Red Light Districts (often in pubs and clubs for gays and transvestites).
Not many persons know about it, but he belongs to mafia family- Chalon- Siegen (but because he is totally crazy, he is useless for them). Dr Death's real name is Angelo Cruz. His grandfather is Heinrich Chalon (who later change name on Salvador Cruz). He has younger brother.
More about his family memebers when I mobilized myself to draw them.
Dr Death is 33 now. 12 years ago (he was a bit less insane than today), and young Violent had big obsession about him.

От - Original post 26Nov2013